Tuesday, May 20, 2014

an instrument

alright, my friends.

we have a guest blogger today :)
 the birthday girl: my beautiful momma.

 she came into work this morning so excited about
this thought that came to her on her drive in. 

a thought she had while praying & listening to classical music.

her prayer was to be God's 
instrument today - for Him to use her to 
touch someones life.

read & enjoy.

(if this wise lady isn't a part of your life, you're missing out!)

the thoughts of Tami Good

//a musical instrument can be a beautiful thing to look at.

many sit in a velvet lined case protected 
from any elements or abuse.

too many instruments stay in that velvet lined 
case & never realize their full potential.

only in the hands of a concert master does the 
instrument display it's true value.

once the concert master picks up the instrument & uses 
{his talent, his abilities, his knowledge, his wisdom}
to make the instrument perform, it then becomes more than a 
beautiful thing to look at - 
it comes to life!

are you an instrument in a protected, velvet lined case? 

or are you in the hands of THE "concert master"? 

only in the hands of THE "concert master

will you realize your full potential! 

only then will you truly come to life. \\

Thursday, May 15, 2014

buying for the first time!

ahh the excitement!

you can't quite understand just how exciting buying 
 your first home is ... until you've done it!

CONGRATULATIONS to the brand new home owners, 
Adam & Kenna!

sharing this process with anyone is exciting for us, 
the T-N-T team.

however, this time it was EXTRA exciting because we were 
able to experience it with some of our dear friends.

while making such a large purchase can & will be a bit 
terrifying, the excitement & pride that one feels 
after making the decision to invest 
in real estate TOTALLY outweighs the fear :)

one of our favorite parts of this whole process is 
watching the new home buyers get so  
excited to turn their new place into their  

Kenna was picking out paint colors & mentally arranging 
her furniture before we even got to the closing table ;) 
and that's the way it should be!

the joy that we feel in helping people through this 
process is hard to describe. 
we LOVE our job & we LOVE helping 
people find just the right place.

thank you for choosing to work with us, Adam & Kenna!

if any of our lovely readers out there would like to know 
more about how they can get into  
THEIR first home, please call/text/email us 

Tami: 719.660.7971
 Taylor: 719.660.1916
tamigood@kw.com OR taylorgood@kw.com