Thursday, August 15, 2013

something different

in high school i would've done absolutely anything to avoid writing. and now ... i can't stop myself! i've come to realize how powerful writing can be. when i write things down, i remember them. when i make a check list, i feel more accomplished. when i write out my prayers, i stay focused. when i make pros/cons lists, i make better decisions. why am i just now discovering this?!  

since i have this new fascination with writing, why wouldn't i start a blog? i see this as my public journal. i plan to write about my life as a 22 year old - being a realtor, putting together outfits, making memories, and anything else that is blog-worthy :) 

i am especially excited for the fashion part of this blog. not only will it serve as a tool to remind myself of what i have in my own closet, but hopefully it can be some inspiration for others. 

enjoy, my friends <3

1 comment:

  1. Eeeeee! I'm so excited :) you have so much to offer and will bless so many people as you embark on this great idea of a journey!
